Socompa 6051m

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Socompa is a mountain subgroup at the border of Argentina and Chile with an elevation of 6051 metres. Socompa is within the following mountain ranges: Argentine Andes, Chilean Andes, Puna de Atacama, Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part). Its territory is within the Argentinean protection area of Provincial Fauna Reserve Los Andes. It is on the border of 2 provinces: Argentinean province of Salta; Chilean province of Antofagasta. Its slopes are within 2 cities: Argentinean city of Tolar Grande; Chilean city of Antofagasta.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM (6017m), ASTER (5998m), ALOS (6044m), SRTM filled with ASTER (6018m), TanDEM-X(6066m), and also a handheld GPS survey by Maximo Kausch on 10/2012 (6055 meters), Socompa is about 6051 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 5320 meters so its prominence is 731 meters. Socompa is listed as mountain subgroup , based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 12,08%.

Dominance %12,08%
Key Lat/Lon-24,3834,-68,1703
Key Col Alt5320
Parent PeakOjos del Salado -27,1095,-68,5408
Dominance Classmountain subgroup
DEM Avg. Altitude6018
Maximo Kausch data6055
First Ascent infoFriedrich Reichert (Germany) - 01/05/1904
First Ascent SourceBOOK: En la cima de las montañas y de la vida AUTHOR: Federico Reichert DATE: 1967 / BOOK: Historia del Montañismo Argentino AUTHOR: Jorge González DATE: 2011
First Ascent NotesPre columbian ascent evidence: walls and structures at 5000-5700m, possibly incan
CountryArgentina / Chile
Argentina CityTolar Grande
Argentina ProvinceSalta
Argentina Protection AreaProvincial Fauna Reserve Los Andes
Chile CityAntofagasta
Chile ProvinceAntofagasta
Chile RegionAntofagasta
Mountain Range Level 1Argentine Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Chilean Andes
Mountain Range Level 3Puna de Atacama
Mountain Range Level 4Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part)

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