Peña Blanca is a mountain in Chile with an elevation of 6050 metres. Peña Blanca is within the following mountain ranges: Chilean Andes, Puna de Atacama. It is on the border of 2 provinces: Chilean provinces of Chañaral and Copiapó. Its slopes are within 2 cities: Chilean cities of Diego de Almagro and Copiapó.
Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM (6034m), ASTER (6022m), ALOS (6041m), SRTM filled with ASTER (6034m), TanDEM-X(6074m), and also a handheld GPS survey by Maximo Kausch on 10/2012 (no data meters), Peña Blanca is about 6050 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 5571 meters so its prominence is 479 meters. Peña Blanca is listed as mountain, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 7,92%.
Name | Peña Blanca |
Altitude | 6050m |
Lat/Lon | -26,8122,-68,6415 |
Dominance % | 7,92% |
Prominence | 479 |
Key Lat/Lon | -26,8006,-68,6224 |
Key Col Alt | 5571 |
Parent Peak | El Ermitaño -26,7839,-68,6007 |
Dominance Class | mountain |
DEM Avg. Altitude | 6034 |
ASTER | 6022 |
SRTM | 6034 |
TanDEM-X | 6074 |
ALOS | 6041 |
Maximo Kausch data | no data |
IGM Chile | 6030 |
First Ascent info | Sergio Kunsmann, Pedro Rosende and Etienne Vian (Chile) - 21/11/1967 |
First Ascent Source | JOURNAL: Revista Andina 90 / JOURNAL: AAJ (American Alpine Journal) DATE: 1968 PAGE: 207 |
First Ascent Notes | AAJ 1957, page 74-91 mentions an ascent by Gajardo to Peñas Blancas (7-2-1957). But this was probably to the secondary summit as Kunsmann, Rosende and Vian did not find any evidence of such ascent - Research by Guillermo Almaraz |
Isolation | 5,1km |
Country | Chile |
Chile City | Diego de Almagro, Copiapó |
Chile Province | Chañaral, Copiapó |
Chile Region | Atacama |
Mountain Range Level 1 | Chilean Andes |
Mountain Range Level 2 | Puna de Atacama |
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