Walther Penck / Tipas / Cazadero Grande 6670m

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Walther Penck (also called Tipas or Cazadero Grande) is a mountain in Argentina with an elevation of 6670 metres. Walther Penck is within the following mountain ranges: Argentine Andes, Puna de Atacama, Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part). It is the highest of Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part). Its territory is within the Argentinean protection area of Catamarca High Andean and Puna Lakes Ramsar Site. It is located at the Argentinean province of Catamarca. Its slopes are at the Argentinean city of Fiambalá.6670 probably right as Maximo Kausch GPS unit point to 6688m in 2014. no void at tandem-x so assume tandemx DEM is wrong due to different Geoid . Therefore its altitude is 6670 meters. The height of the nearest key col is 6019 meters so its prominence is 651 meters. Walther Penck  is listed as mountain, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 9,76%.

NameWalther Penck / Tipas / Cazadero Grande
Dominance %9,76%
Key Lat/Lon-27,1536,-68,5674
Key Col Alt6019
Parent PeakOjos del Salado -27,1095,-68,5408
Dominance Classmountain
DEM Avg. Altitude6663
Maximo Kausch data6688
IGM Argentina6658
TitleHighest of Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part)
First Ascent infoSergio Kunstmann, Pedro Rosende (Chile) and Takaya Takeshita (Japan) - 14/12/1970
First Ascent SourceBOOK: 6500 Una forma de dimensionar los Andes AUTHOR: Guillermo Luis Almaraz DATE: 2012 / JOURNAL: AAJ (American Alpine Journal) DATE: 1972 PAGE: 178
Argentina CityFiambalá
Argentina ProvinceCatamarca
Argentina Protection AreaCatamarca High Andean and Puna Lakes Ramsar Site
Mountain Range Level 1Argentine Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Puna de Atacama
Mountain Range Level 3Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part)
Reason for alt adjustment6670 probably right as Maximo Kausch GPS unit point to 6688m in 2014. no void at tandem-x so assume tandemx DEM is wrong due to different Geoid . Therefore its altitude is 6670 meters

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