Bonete 5664m

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Bonete is a mountain massif in Bolivia with an elevation of 5664 metres. Bonete is within the following mountain ranges: Bolivian Andes, Cordillera Occidental de Bolivia. It is located at the Bolivian province of Sur Lipez. Its slopes are within 3 cities: Bolivian cities of San Pablo de Lipez and Mojinete and San Antonio de Esmoraca.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM filled with ASTER (5664m), TanDEM-X(5665m), , Bonete is about 5664 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 4746 meters so its prominence is 918 meters. Bonete is listed as mountain massif, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 16,21%.

Dominance %16,21%
Key Lat/Lon-21,9022,-66,724
Key Col Alt4746
Parent PeakSan Pedro -21,8872,-68,3918
Dominance Classmountain massif
DEM Avg. Altitude5664
First Ascent infoFriedrich Adolf Ernest Ahlfeld (Germany) - 29/04/1905
First Ascent SourceBOOK: Los Santuarios Indigenas AUTHOR: Antonio Beorchia Nigris DATE: 1985 PAGE: 37 / BOOK: Le Ande AUTHOR: Mario Fantin DATE: 1979 / JOURNAL: CAI. Geografía Física de Bolivia AUTHOR: Ahlfeld DATE: 1969 / JOURNAL: Codrillera Sud Lipez AUTHOR: Yossi Brain
First Ascent NotesAhlfeld relates that before 1946, residents of the area climbed to the summit to make offerings, being a modern shrine. There are archaeological remains
Bolivia CitySan Pablo de Lipez, Mojinete, San Antonio de Esmoraca
Bolivia ProvinceSur Lipez
Bolivia DepartmentPotosí
Mountain Range Level 1Bolivian Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Cordillera Occidental de Bolivia

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