Aconcagua 6961m

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Aconcagua is a mountain complex in Argentina with an elevation of 6961 metres. It is the highest of Argentina. Aconcagua is within the following mountain ranges: Argentine Andes, Andes Centrales. It is the highest of the whole Andes. Its territory is within the Argentinean protection area of Aconcagua Provincial Park. It is located at the Argentinean province of Mendoza. Its slopes are at the Argentinean city of Las Heras.Due to availability of DGPS survey, its accurate altitude is 6961 meters. The height of the nearest key col is 0 meters so its prominence is 6961 meters. Aconcagua is listed as mountain complex, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 100%.

Dominance %100%
Key Lat/Lon-33,5381,-71,6049
Key Col Alt0
Parent PeakOcean 27,9882,86,9251
Dominance Classmountain complex
DEM Avg. Altitude6929
DGPS Study6961 By IGM 2012
Maximo Kausch data6968
IGM Argentina6959
Titlehighest of Argentina and Highest of the whole Andes
First Ascent infoMatthias Zürbriggen (Switzerland) - 14/01/1897
First Ascent SourceBOOK: The Highest Andes AUTHOR: Edward Fitz Gerald DATE: 1898 / BOOK: Historia del Aconcagua AUTHOR: Punzi - Ugarte - De Biassey
First Ascent NotesPre columbian ascent evidence: Guanaco found at 6900m also evidence of child sacrifice at 5250m. Mummified boy found at 5300m in 1985. Possibly brought by Incans
Argentina CityLas Heras
Argentina ProvinceMendoza
Argentina Protection AreaAconcagua Provincial Park
Mountain Range Level 1Argentine Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Andes Centrales
Reason for alt adjustmentDue to availability of DGPS survey, its accurate altitude is 6961 meters

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