Cerro El Ultimo – 5137m

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Cerro El Ultimo is a mountain subrange in Argentina with an elevation of 5137 metres. Cerro El Ultimo is within the following mountain ranges: Argentine Andes, Puna de Atacama, Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part). It is located at the Argentinean province of Salta. Its slopes are at the Argentinean city of Tolar Grande.Measured with handheld Garmin device GPS + Glonass. The height of the nearest key col is 4054 meters so its prominence is 1083 meters. Cerro El Ultimo is listed as mountain subrange, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 21,08%.

NameCerro El Ultimo
Dominance %21,08%
Key Lat/Lon-24,8805,-68,4334
Key Col Alt4054
Parent PeakLlullaillaco -24,7198,-68,5366
Dominance Classmountain subrange
DEM Avg. Altitude5068
First Ascent infoBrian Jackson (UK), Angel Armesto (ARG), Jorge Spur (ARG), Ian Stead (UK), Matthew Wesson (UK), Andrew Rutland (UK), Ellen Wilkinson (UK) and Rachel Fisher (UK) - 14/03/2023
First Ascent SourceJOURNAL: Personal Interview AUTHOR: Maximo Kausch DATE: 2023
Argentina CityTolar Grande
Argentina ProvinceSalta
Mountain Range Level 1Argentine Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Puna de Atacama
Mountain Range Level 3Andean Volcaninc Belt (Central Part)
Reason for alt adjustmentMeasured with handheld Garmin device GPS + Glonass

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