Huascaran Sur 6755m

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Huascaran Sur is a mountain system in Peru with an elevation of 6755 metres. It is the highest of Peru. Huascaran Sur is within the following mountain ranges: Peruvian Andes, Cordillera Occidental de Peru, Cordillera Blanca. It is the highest of Peruvian Andes, highest of Cordillera Occidental de Peru, highest of Cordillera Blanca. Its territory is within the Peruvian protection area of Huascarán National Park. It is on the border of 2 provinces: Peruvian provinces of Yungay and Carhuaz. Its slopes are within 2 cities: Peruvian cities of Yungay and Shilla.ASTER, TandemX and SRTM unreliable due to voids. Highest point from GPS data from 2011 and another one from 2007 show 6770 as highest point. So considering the error margin, Huascaran Sur's altitude is about 6755 meters. The height of the nearest key col is 3253 meters so its prominence is 3502 meters. Huascaran Sur is listed as mountain system, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 51,84%.

NameHuascaran Sur
Dominance %51,84%
Key Lat/Lon-21,7223,-68,2735
Key Col Alt3253
Parent PeakOjos del Salado -27,1095,-68,5408
Dominance Classmountain system
DEM Avg. Altitude6736
DGPS Study6769 By Lyngve Skrede (GPS)
TitleHighest of Peru and Highest of Peruvian Andes, highest of Cordillera Occidental de Peru, highest of Cordillera Blanca
First Ascent infoPhillipe Borchers, Wilhelm Bernard, Hermann Hoerlin (Germany) and Erwin Schneider, Erwin Hein (Austria) - 20/07/1932
First Ascent SourceBOOK: Deutsch-Österreichische Alpenvereins expeditionen in den Peruanischen Anden
Peru CityYungay, Shilla
Peru ProvinceYungay, Carhuaz
Peru DepartmentAncash
Peru Protection AreaHuascarán National Park
Mountain Range Level 1Peruvian Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Cordillera Occidental de Peru
Mountain Range Level 3Cordillera Blanca
Reason for alt adjustmentASTER, TandemX and SRTM unreliable due to voids. Highest point from GPS data from 2011 and another one from 2007 show 6770 as highest point. So considering the error margin, Huascaran Sur's altitude is about 6755 meters

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