Morado de Colanzuli 5013m

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Morado de Colanzuli is a minor main-peak in Argentina with an elevation of 5013 metres. Morado de Colanzuli is within the following mountain ranges: Argentine Andes, Cordillera Oriental Argentina, Puna de Atacama. It is located at the Argentinean province of Salta. Its slopes are at the Argentinean city of Iruya.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM filled with ASTER (5013m), TanDEM-X(5054m), , Morado de Colanzuli is about 5013 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 4897 meters so its prominence is 116 meters. Morado de Colanzuli is listed as minor main-peak, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 2,31%.

NameMorado de Colanzuli
Dominance %2,31%
Key Lat/Lon-23,0878,-65,067
Key Col Alt4897
Parent PeakAlto del Manantial -23,2202,-65,072
Dominance Classminor main-peak
DEM Avg. Altitude5013
First Ascent infoEduardo Casanova, Pedro Medenica (Argentina) - 16/01/1930
First Ascent SourceBOOK: Los Santuarios Indigenas AUTHOR: Antonio Beorchia Nigris DATE: 1985 PAGE: 145 / BOOK: Historia del montañismo argentino AUTHOR: Jorge González DATE: 2011 PAGE: 44 / JOURNAL: Co. Morado AUTHOR: Eduardo Casanova DATE: 1930 PAGE: Nro 3
Argentina CityIruya
Argentina ProvinceSalta
Mountain Range Level 1Argentine Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Cordillera Oriental Argentina
Mountain Range Level 3Puna de Atacama

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