Pichu Pichu 5643m

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Pichu Pichu is a mountain subrange in Peru with an elevation of 5643 metres. Pichu Pichu is within the following mountain ranges: Peruvian Andes, Cordillera Occidental de Peru. It is located at the Peruvian province of Arequipa. Its slopes are within 2 cities: Peruvian cities of San Juan De Tarucani and Pocsi.

Based on the elevation provided by the available Digital elevation models, SRTM filled with ASTER (5643m), TanDEM-X(5681m), , Pichu Pichu is about 5643 meters above sea level.The height of the nearest key col is 4360 meters so its prominence is 1283 meters. Pichu Pichu is listed as mountain subrange, based on the Dominance system and its dominance is 22,74%.

NamePichu Pichu
Dominance %22,74%
Key Lat/Lon-15,6699,-71,4042
Key Col Alt4360
Parent PeakAmpato -15,8197,-71,8797
Dominance Classmountain subrange
DEM Avg. Altitude5643
First Ascent infoCarlos Zárate, Jorge Carrasco, Gustavo Rondón, Pedro Morojica, Luis Pajuelo (Perú) - 01/06/1963
First Ascent SourceBOOK: Los Santuarios Indigenas AUTHOR: Antonio Beorchia Nigris DATE: 1985 PAGE: 30 / BOOK: Mountaineering in the Andes AUTHOR: Jill Neate DATE: 1987
First Ascent NotesJill Neate indicates a ascent in 1959, but they only reach one ridge. First ascent in 1963.Pre columbian ascent evidence: Walls, human sacrfice, firewood
Peru CitySan Juan De Tarucani, Pocsi
Peru ProvinceArequipa
Peru DepartmentArequipa
Mountain Range Level 1Peruvian Andes
Mountain Range Level 2Cordillera Occidental de Peru

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